Sunday, November 15, 2009

Girls Athletic Association (GAA) Benefit Event for Trenton Catholic Academy AKA McCorriston AKA Saint Anthony's

In my Burg day there were many folks who attended this school,
thus making this a Burg item:)

From The Hamilton Observer:
(Some words changed by me to reflect the fact that this
event has already happened)

This November a wonderful tradition returned to
Hamilton Township. The GAA (Girls Athletic Association) Show,
which took place in St. Anthony/McCorristin High School from
1969 until 2002, came back to Trenton Catholic Academy
(TCA) with all its glitter and glory.
TCA, the Diocese’s first k-12 school, was formed in
2005 through the merger of the former McCorriston Catholic
High School with students from St. Anthony, Holy Angels,
Holy Cross and Immaculate Conception grammar schools.
Over the past few months more than 140 alumni have been
meeting and planning the reunion event which pit Gold
vs. the Brown alumni teams of the former St.Anthony/McCorristin
High School and current students of TCA in a series of artistic,
athletic and talent contests.
Speaking prior to the event, Tracey Destribats, who is one
of the organizers of the reunion event said, “the rivalry will
be intense, the competition fierce, and the stakes very high.
As was the case in the glory days, no doubt, the gym will be
packed to capacity.”

This blog salutes all involved including Michele Maglione and
Kim Yarson. A nice thing you folks did:)

A note about the pictures: The first is folks from the 2009
GAA Event and the second is folks from a GAA Event from back
in the day:)

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