Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Close Up of the Ice House Sign, Swan Street, The Burg

A Close Up of the Ice House Sign, Swan Street, The Burg.
This picture was taken back in the summer of this year:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: I can't believe that ice house is still there. I was born in 1919 and and it was there then. I was always facinated with Swan St. by the bricks the street was paved with. And if I remember correctly, there were not many houses on that street. Keep up the good work Mack, you sure know your Chambersburg.

Mack said...

Thank You Ralph:))
God Bless The Ole Burg and all the
good folks and good times everyone
had there back in the day:)

brando said...

they covered the bricks with blacktop sometime in the mid-70s(?).

now, at the corner of swan and whittaker, the blacktop is broken and some of the bricks are visible.

it's strange to think that the ice house was converted to condos!!!

also...some time in the mid-70s, there was an ammonia leak (refrigerant system) at ice house. the swan st residents had to be evacuated.

us kids being rather curious and stupid, walked over to see what was happening. we were across the street from the ice house loading platform and got a snoot full of ammonia gas, which made us cough and gag like crazy. we got of there dang quick!!!

that was a learning experience!!! LOL!!!

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