Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blues Skies Over Mott Street in Late Summer, The Burg

Blues Skies Over Mott Street in Late Summer, The Burg
This picture is from about 2 years ago:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: I have to comment when I see pictures of Mott St. The first ten years of my life were spent on different sides of the 100 block. This photo looks like the first block from So. Clinton, across from Roeblings. My grandfather and many others could roll out of bed and go to work there. Every time I see Mott St. I think about the Chambersburg Red Sox. Most of the players lived there. Regards, Ralph

Mack said...

Hi Ralph:))
What a great place it was:)
Can we ever get enough pictures
of good ole Mott Street?
No !! :)