Thursday, November 19, 2009

84 Washington Street, The Burg.

84 Washington Street, The Burg.
Once upon a time this was Palombi's Quality Grocery
Market according to my records :)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: We lived right across the street from Palombi's in the very early years. I barely recall my sister taking me to see the old Washington School on Emory Ave. In those days there was 4 elementary schools in the neighborhood, all within blocks of each other. They were Hewitt, Hamilton, Centinual and Washington. It gives you an idea of how many young kids were around Chambersburg in those days.

JoeB said...

Do you remember where the Centennial School was located?

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Joe: The Centenial school was located on Bayard St. I think where the Roman Hall is now. Most of the Burg kids went there. The Hewitt school was on the corner of Franklin and Roebling and the Hamilton was where Roma Savings is now located. In addition to all those schools, nearby was the Carrol-Robbins school on Tyler St, in back of the old Trenton High School on Hamilton and Chestnut. I think Hewitt was on Washington and Roebling, not Franklin.