Wednesday, November 18, 2009

420 Whittaker Avenue, The Burg

420 Whittaker Avenue, The Burg
Once upon a time this was Tammaro's Self Service
Grocery according to my records:)


brando said...

after the grocery store closed, it became another burg club.

the older gents played cards and solved the world's problems in the back.

us kids played pinball in the front.....yet another pinball joint in the burg!!!

Unknown said...

My fathers gas station was 2 doors away...Fabian's Gulf...I remember Louis Tammarro...Great guy...would feed me slices of bologna while I watched the ladies make suasage in the back...Later in the 70's it was owned by Louis Capone who later turned it into an arcade in the front and card house in the back....The Agabiti Club was around the corner on Swan St next to Don the Barber and Agabiti Construction...remember the smell of the tar trucks like it was yesterday....