Friday, September 11, 2009

Whittaker Avenue in the Sunshine, The Burg

Whittaker Avenue in the Sunshine, The Burg.
You can see what was once The Soho off in the
distance. This picture taken 2 summers ago:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi again Mack: I have to make a comment when I see the neighborhood where I was born. It's amazing how well these buildings look after being close to 100 years old. That corner of Mott and Whittaker looks better than I could remember back in the early 20s. My friend the late Fred Debronzo lived in one of the few single houses on Mott St. and it looks like brand new. We called the houses in a row, attached, now they call them Town Houses.

Mack said...

Hi Ralph:)
Much of the Burg looks very good
still even though the old Burg as
we knew it is done:)