Villa Park Tennis Courts, Villa Park
I loved all these kind of things around the Burg area
growing up. I am not a tennis player but its nice to
know stuff like this was around. You would have most
likely found me playing baseball or whiffleball or
football at Wetzel Field or Franklin Park in days
long ago:)
Speaking of playing baseball, we use to play ball at the old Food Fair lot after they closed on Brunswick Ave, near Myrtle St. sponge ball only. Columbus School lot and where the old Dale's was at the Brunswick Circle, they had a large grass area from the rear of the bldg.
Hi Mack: I want to comment on playing tennis and golf. When we were kids we called people who played those games sissies. The real athletes played baseball, basketball or football. When I got older, I realized how hard it was to play tennis and golf well and amazed at how much money can be earned in those games. I remember Eddie Moylan and a few others in the Trenton area that did pretty good. Regards, Ralph
Hi Joe & Ralph:)
I remember Dales when it was
called Penn Fruit & Dales in its
I think tennis was like golf in
my Burg day..we mostly didnt think about it as it really didnt apply..
the Burg was Baseball crazy,
Baseball in some form..ie baseball, softball, whiffleball,
stickball was THE game to play:)
We played football in winter but
summertime was baseball:)
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