Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some Mott Street Houses, The Burg

Some Mott Street Houses, The Burg.
This is a new picture taken a few days ago.
Click it and fill your screen with Mott Street:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

HI mack: That looks like the 100 block of Mott St. The house with the stone porch I believe is the house where my very dear friend Fred DeBronzo lived in the 20 and 30s. It is one, if not the only, single house on Mott St. We lived across the street at 123 at that time although I was born at 104. The DeBronzos ended up in Villa Park, moving to Columbus Ave, while we moved to Bert Ave. I could be wrong but I think most houses on Mott St. were row or semi-attached. Regards, Ralph

Mack said...

Hi Ralph:)
Yes its the 100 block:)
You are correct