Monday, September 14, 2009

Fulton Soldiers & Sailors Club in 1953, The Burg

Fulton Soldiers & Sailors Club in 1953, The Burg
227 Fulton Street. I do not know what this event
was but its a nice picture:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: I believe the Fulton Soldiers & Sailors Club mobved to the corner of Franklin and Morris in latter years. I would like to say a word about Bill Nolan, who at one time was president of the club, Bill was born on Fulton St. and was a good Irishman brought up in an Italian neighborhood and married to a very good friend of mine, the former Bernice Gismondi.

Mack said...

Hi Ralph:)
I am partial to them Irish living
in great Italian neighborhoods as
I was one once:)
I remember Villa Park Soldiers
and Sailors Club across from
Rossi's too:)