Thursday, September 17, 2009

An Artsy Close-up of Prior's Bakery, The Burg

An Artsy Close-up of Prior's Bakery, The Burg
The corner of Liberty Street and South Clinton
Avenue. This is a new picture taken a few days


JoeZ said...

Mack: Still can't believe it's Tina's yet.

Vince said...

I can still remember the smell of those donuts blocks before and after when walking to Jr 4 "56-59".

Anonymous said...

This building was also the site of the Cordas Funeral Home for a short time.

Gary Lippincott said...

It was a big deal, the trip from Groveville to Prior's Donuts, but my dad would make that trip. Watching those donuts ride on litle conveyor belts and the smell was heaven. I can't have a bakery donut today with out thinking of Priors.