122 Butler Street, The Burg
Once upon a time this was Landolfi's Pastry Shop:)
Another Burg Legend.
This is a new picture taken a few days ago and shows
the other cool old buildings around Landolfi's.
The one story building on the end is The Italian
Soccer Club (132 Butler Street).
There was a "best" place for everything, and my dad taught me very early on that Landolfi's was THE best place for cannolis.
The building on the left of Landolfi's ( the one that doesn't quite fit in with all the other row homes on Butler Street) was actually an old farm house that was moved to that location some time in the forties I believe. If you ever pass it on foot, look at the alley along it's side, it still has the metal carriage runners for a horse drawn carriage. The horses where actually kept in the building to the rear of the house. I still recall some old harnesses for the horses left there from the previous owners as a kid. To this day I have an old leather and metal bit I saved that was used in one of the horse's mouth.
My father owned the house as well as the bakery, and when I moved the bakery to South Carolina I took with me the antique wrought iron gate that was at the street end of the alley. I grew up with that gate, and as a child always admired it's beauty and craftsmanship . I just had to have a taste of my old neighborhood to take with me. I still haven't found a place to use it, but I'm sure i will !
Keep up the good work Mack ,
Gary Bencivengo
that is not really a soccer club, come on. it's a poker club that should be shut down.
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