112 Butler Street, The Burg
Neapolitan Hall long ago as it is now:)
According to a website:
Neapolitan Hall AKA Societa Napolentana Madonna Maria Ss Di
Casandrino Inc is a private company categorized under Social club,
membership and located in Trenton, NJ. Our records show it was
established in 1904 and incorporated in New Jersey. Current
estimates show this company has an annual revenue of $160,000
and employs a staff of approximately 3.
This is a new picture of this cool old building
taken yesterday:)
Hi Mack: We had the opportunity to visit Casandrino, Italy three times while our daughter was employed by Delta Airlines. The town is right outside Naples and next to Grumo. My mother's family, the DeCarlos came from Casandrino while my father's family came from Grumo. Many people in Chambersburg were born in that area of Italy. We were there one year while the feast of the Madonna Di Casandrino was being celebrated. They enact the feast with the ox pulling the Madonna through the town just like the original. Our relatives, the DeCarlos, are very active in the church and they showed us all the features of the feast. The Rev. Gervasio's mother is a DiCarlo and is related to my grandmother. Many of the streets in Casandrino are named after families in the Burg.
Hi Ralph:)
Great comment. I know the feast
began in 1906 in the Burg but
have heard the feast in Casandrino
goes back for centuries.
If anyone knows how far back it goes please comment:)
I'm sure the date of the original was mentioned while we were there but I can't recall for sure. We were there about 30 years ago and some things have been forgotten.
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