601 Beatty Street, The Burg.
I do not know what this long thin building was used
for but remember walking and driving by it in my
Burg day. I am sure Sax would know as he lived
3 doors down.
A Blog about the Chambersburg area of Trenton NJ. The Burg we all loved and miss. If you were from the Burg I hope many of the pictures and lists and comments under them from good folks bring back some nice memories. Villa Park, Franklin Park, South Trenton, and nearby Hamilton also mentioned. Use the search box atop the blog to find schools,churches,streets,stores,bars etc that you remember. Over 4000 posts and 3000 pics. Enjoy:)
Mack: I believe it was an appliance store at one time. But I remember it being closed most of the time I was at my grandmothers house. I think Sax worked there at one time.
This looks like a very current picture of the property. It was closed up in my day and used for storage...kinda' mysterious..we really never knew what was inside...the windows where covered on the inside. Right in front of the big window,on the left-side, is a vent-pipe that comes up thru the ground. In the late 40's when we lived at 607 (I was about 5 or so) I stepped on the pipe and tried to look inside..my foot slipped into the pipe and was lodged there for a long time..fire trucks came, large crowd, police, newspaper reporters (story was in the paper) I was there for over 3 hours..a local guy who just came back from the War went into the butcher shop that was at 605 Beatty and got a long knife...slide it down the pipe and cut my shoe..and I was out of the pipe!! The appliance repair that JoeZ remembers was at 605 after the butcher shop moved out in the 50's.
Thanks Sax & JoeZ.
Thank god for that guy with the
Between our jumping on roofs,
walking thru drain pipes at
white city, standing atop the river
bank in morrisville, walking thru
or around factories, and grabbing
the back of car or truck bumpers
in the snow, it is somewhat amazing
we didnt get into more trouble.
Wasn't there a tragic killing in the neighborhood? I recall a young girl with the last name of Jablonsky. She lived on Jersey St. near that corner. The news of that murder absolutely shocked the city.
SJBill: It occured in the late 50's. The kids called her Sissy, a sweet little blonde hair girl. Mr. and Mrs. Jablonski owned the candy store on Beatty and Home. I remember, Sax's father and brother Lou with a lot of the neighbors searching for her. They found her body in a garage right across the street from my grandmother's house. Shameful thing to such a sweet little girl.
Little Mary was playing with my sister Ermie outside our house the day she was abducted. Then crossed the street and played in Mary's backyard on Home Ave for awhile and then walked down Home Ave to Leslie's and back up to the corner of Home & Beatty where Ermie left Mary and came in the house. About an hour later Mary's mom Mary Jablonski came over and asked if Mary was there...it all unfolded after that...we searched the whole neighborhood until about 2:30am..my brother Lou and I crawled into the Boy's Club thru a window and went from top to bottom. Mary was found the next day in a garage on Home Ave..across from Joe Z's grandmom's house...tragic, tragic.
My sister questioned for years why Mary and not her.
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