Saturday, April 18, 2009

1155 Hamilton Avenue, Villa Park

1155 Hamilton Avenue, Villa Park.
Once upon a time this was Tracy's 5 & 10.
Thank you Stephen:)


Stephen said...


Yes, this used to be Tracy's 5&10. It was on the bottom floor of both sides of this three story building There may in fact have been interior archways which connected to the one story building on the right. IIRC Tracys had three shopping areas.

Mack said...

Thank You Stephen:)

Barb P said...

My cousin used to live on Elizabeth, and we used to walk down to Tracy's all the time. Great store, you could get candy, marble notebooks, toys and socks all at one place.

JoeZ said...

Tracy's, home of the Wigwam Socks and all that good Easter Candy.
My kids could have spent all day in that store.

LC Rooney said...

How could you be a kid and not love Tracy's 5 & 10? And, yes, Stephen, there were interior openings between the 2 bldgs, and the floors were sloped in places, which made it all the more fun, from a kid's perspective ... how many stores had anything other than a flat floor??

All kinds of merchandise from shower curtains and water glasses ("boring stuff" for parents) to yo-yo's and water pistols and Halloween costumes! It was the coolest!

Begged my mom to let my brother and me walk down to Tracy's if we visited Grandmom Chell during the week; they might have been closed on Sundays ... or maybe I was just too busy playing with my cousins at Grandmom's house on Sundays!)

--Linda Chell Rooney

Jan Reesman (DiNatale) said...

I loved Tracy's.. My friend Linda Seaman and I would spend an afternoon there. I bought my Mon Evening In Paris perfume for Mother's Day.