Thursday, March 26, 2009

864 South Broad Street, The Burg

864 South Broad Street, The Burg
Once upon a time this was Samuel Saaz Real Estate
and Insurance:)


Barb P said...

Next door to the left, was a Hungarian grocer (Sax, can you help with the name?) Used to get kolbasz, poppyseeds, kimmel and cheese cloth (why did hungarians use so much cheese cloth?) for granny. He had jars of spices, seeds and dried veggies, and I didn't have to cross Broad St to go to the import store.

SJBill said...


Regarding the deli near the MAB Paint store, is this the place?

Were there pickles and sauerkraut to the right of the door?

Artie Heyman had the place at 862 S. Broiad in the late fifties to early sixties and he didn't appear to be that Hungarian. ;-)

In the video, the name on the thresshold says "M. Keckel".

Hungarians used cheesecloth for lots of purposes. You covered dough when proofing it for bread, nut rolls and poppy seed rolls.

After the dough was proofed you rolled the dough into a spiral loaf using the cheese cloth to turn the fdough over.

Cheese cloth was also used to cover the crocks when you made "sun pickles" of dilled cukes and a slice of rye bread. THe cheesecloth kept the flies off the pickles. These pickles were not quite kosher, but were they damn good!

Not crossing S. Broad St? Good choice. Our dog was stricken and nealy killed in front of that store.

Barb P said...

SJBill, if your speaking of the MAB on Broad and Anderson (1000 block), that was Cohen's Deli. It was next to Mazzarro's Meat Market. They had pickel and sauerkraut barrels right by the door. This Deli was across from the Import Store further down Broad, near Cass. I still make "sunshine pickles", and you are right, they are damned good.

It was also very dangerous to cross where I lived 1072 S Broad. We used to think it was safer to walk down to Liberty and cross, but they always ran the red light. I saw many people hit and at least 3 people killed right in front of my house. Chico's (Chico's Harley Davidson)elderly mom was run over and spent many months in the hospital, she never did fully recover and died within 2 years. Life was always an adventure on Broad St.