Wednesday, March 18, 2009

1902 South Broad Street, Hamilton

1902 South Broad Street, Hamilton.
Franks Big & Tall.
Known to many Burg folks:)


JoeZ said...

Mack: Thanks for the picture, place has changed since I worked there in the 70's. Those brothers had a great idea and did well for themselves. If you are ever around Home Ave. please take a picture of my grandmother's house at 143. Thanks Mack and have a great day.

Mack said...

You're welcome :)
I was looking for something else
on the net and came across this
picture..and went YES!!! :)

JoeZ said...

Mack, the store originally was located across the street at 1915 So. Broad. We than leased the 1902 address from George Hamilton who had a post office and general store there. He was a really nice guy and did a lot of work to help us convert it to a men's shop. Eddie Williams owned Ed's Deli further down and once owned, and then he opened Mr. Ed's next to us, which is now Cluck You Chicken.

Rosemary said...

Gee, there it is!!..Frank's Big and Tall!!..Again, another place I wouldn't