Thursday, January 1, 2009

1149 Hamilton Avenue, Villa Park

1149-1153 Hamilton Avenue, Villa Park, Trenton.
Rittmans Bar was in this block of store and Tracys
Five and Ten was nearby. Thank you Barb:)


Anonymous said...

Mike, I think that was Rittman's Bar, Tracy's was next door. Got to get Paul or Tom to chime in, they are the bar experts. Me, I spent all of my time at the Library. Yeah right!

Mack said...

Thank You Barb:)
A few of these places on here
I visited rarely and thus I must
go by addresses I find and my
books or sources not always right.
This may be such a place.
I remembered this picture but
am fuzzy as to where Tracys was
in the block of stores.
This store was sold as a block
of stores 1149-1153 Thus my
Tracys reference as Tracys address
in 2 of my books is 1149.
I will reword the post:)

Tom Pass said...

That is Rittman's.

Anonymous said...

I lived in an apartment on the top of the Villa Park Pharmacy for 11 years after my divorce from my first husband.