Friday, January 2, 2009

1045 Liberty Street, The Burg, Once Episcopo's Drug Store

1045 Liberty Street, The Burg. The Corner of Chambers Street
and Liberty Street. Once Episcopo's Drug Store (They are still
here a few doors down).
Legend has it that Babe Ruth hit a Home Run at Wetzel Field
across the street and broke this drug store's window.
I don't know if its true. But its cool as legends go:)


Anonymous said...

Mike did Joe the Whip tell you the Babe Ruth story?

Mack said...

I heard that story from when
I was very young.
What did the Whip say about it?

Anonymous said...

That it was a speakeasy during prohibition. He also said that the building down Chambers on the opposite side,near E Howell, which was Casteltermini Club in the 70's was a speakeasy too.