Friday, December 26, 2008

That Stone Bridge Rt 29

Here is that Stone Bridge over Route 29 familiar to many
Burg folks. I always thought this was nice looking.
The right lane here takes you to the Calhoun Street
Bridge. Further up Rt 29 is that walking overpass to
Stacey Park which I have never seen anyone use.


Anonymous said...

When I was 17-18 years old, we used to drag race at a 25 MPH punch from the stone bridge to Hermitage Ave exit. Used to sit in front of Motor Vehicle on Montgomery and wait for somebody to take the bait. Back then we used to cruise town and pick up boys or a $20 run, whichever looked better. Ahh, to have the '57back again.

Anonymous said...

Stacy Park was always crowded during the 50's and 60's. That's when the area now occupied by state office buildings was full of homes.