Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Circle F 720 Monmouth Street Trenton

Circle F 720 Monmouth Street, Trenton.
Many Burg folks either worked there or knew folks
who did back in the day. Its now senior apartments.


Maryann said...

My Dad worked at Circle F.

Anonymous said...

My ex worked at Circle F


Saxman said...

My cousin Mary Ann Capone's husband, Bill Miller worked at CF for years.

Linda Chell Rooney said...

I lived a half-block from the Circle F factory, on Tyler St in the 60s. We kids would walk by and talk to the workers on the ground floor level (who, I seem to remember, were actually about a half-story below street level). The last time I drove down Tyler (for old times' sake), I cried. It's just too sad what that neighborhood has become. I loved living there, had four "best" friends on my block! And I loved being able to stand on my porch steps and look down the street and see the big clock on Trenton High. We moved to Hamilton in 1967, just before the riots. Sad.