Monday, July 23, 2012

Trenton High

Trenton High. This is the C Building. It was the building Burg folks
typically came in and out of. In my day at lunch we would wander over
to The Hamilton Sweet Shop, Storkys, Eddies Donuts, The Casino, Zips,
or Nappys Pizza :)


Anonymous said...

Just on the opposite side of those windows you would have found me in Mrs. Stoka's homeroom or on the second floor I would have been sharing a table with Sam Goss in Ms. Virginia Mayhew's art class. As well as being good with a pen & ink or charcoal, Sam was quite talented in many ways and went on to box for the US in the Olympics that were held in Mexico. I saw his name pop up on a boxing gym just the other day in Trenton. Quite a guy, with fists of lightning; only to be outdone by the warmest smile and heart of gold. Really, there should be a park, gym or school named after Sam. He was all of the things that any young Trentonian could aspire to.


Mack said...

Hi Skip:)))

Great story. I remember Mr Goss in the local papers of days long ago :))