Friday, October 8, 2010

1200 South Broad Street, The Burg

1200 South Broad Street, The Burg
The corner of Liberty Street and South Broad Street.
In my Burg day this was The Widow's Watch (club) with a
cool painting on the Liberty Street side.


SJBill said...

Before the "Widow's Watch" it was ccalled the "Liberty Tavern."

Each weekend they had some local music acs there. Unfortunately, I never went throguh the doors.

Walked by the place many a time on the way home from Junior Four.

It's funny how we had dozens of different routes to and from home. Down Adeline Street one day. Cross over Dayton St. to Genesee and head home that way, etc. But we got to know our home turf really well.

JoeZ said...

Brings back memories, my friends and I use to go there on Friday nights when it was Widow's. I met Roe there on a Saturday night and we started to date.