Saturday, September 11, 2010

Gino Formaroli, Owner of the La Boheme Club, 408 Roebling Avenue, The Burg

Gino Formaroli, Owner of the La Boheme Club, 408 Roebling
Avenue, The Burg

Gino Formaroli was the owner of the "La Boheme" club located at
408 Roebling Ave he ran it from the 1940's thru the mid 60's.
It was just a social club where the guys played cards, he had
a few pinball machines and a candy counter. Everyone in the
day knew him as "Jiggs" and His Black Pontiac. I think this
picture of Gino , which was given to me by his son Gino , is
from the late 1960s or early 1970s.
God Bless The Old Burg:)

PS: Thanks Gino:)

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