Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Where Rusling Street Meets Anderson Street, The Burg.

Where Rusling Street Meets Anderson Street, The Burg.
This was around the corner from me growing up in the
burg. There was a store on the corner that sold Kerns
Soda and candy, the important things:)

UPDATE: Joe Z adds:

JoeZ said...
Mack, Kerns the best soda ever, loved the cream, and
root beer. Do you remember All Father's Easter Eggs,
I think they had a factory on North Broad St. by the
monument as did Kerns.


JoeZ said...

Mack, Kerns the best soda ever, loved the cream, and root beer. Do you remember All Father's Easter Eggs, I think they had a factory on North Broad St. by the monument as did Kerns.

Mack said...

Hi Joe:)
I don't remember All Fathers
Easter Eggs. But I will your
comment to the post as others
may. Thank You:)