Thursday, March 4, 2010

2 Woodland Street, The Burg

2 Woodland Street, The Burg
This is right next to the Bijou Theatre on South Clinton
Avenue. Once upon a time this was Joe's Luncheonette in the
1950s, owner Joseph Sawatsky. In my Burg day it was
Jerry's Luncheonette:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack; Another day, another memory. I recall the store when it was a tailor shop in the 30s. There was a very attractive girl that either worked or lived there. My brother's radio shop was located across the street so I had many opportunites to admire her. I can't recall the name but the kid who worked at the Bijoe mad out much better than I. Best regards.

Mack said...

Hi Ralph:)
Now THAT is a good memory:)))
I wish I had records from
that time available:)

Maizie said...

Hi Mack,

I wonder if you remember a restaurant that I think was in Chambersberg that I used to go to with my Dad in the early 1950's. I don't remember too much about it, except that they served tomato pies and that to get to the restaurant you had to walk down a narrow corridor past the men's and ladies room and then you got to the restaurant. I just remember the food was so good!