More Trenton High Teachers and or folks who worked at
Trenton High:)
From a list I found on the net (Some of these folks are
familiar to me too):
Mr Sakson, Mr Ryba, Ms Ferri, Ms Keeley, Mr Yudewitz,
Mr Fiorentino, Mr Duckett, Mr Brooks, Mr Borgia, Ms Rome
Ms Nied, Mr Habas, Mr Caramella, Ms Gianetti, Mr McLaine,
Dr Hogan, Ms Lomax.
Anyone who wants to add their list is welcome:)
SAX adds:
David Weisberg..the disipline czar, Mr Cywinski, Mr Gordon,
Gladys Mayhew, Mr Monard,Harry Mulder, Toby Pontani,
Mr Vitella,Mr Wood, Mr Habler, Mr Giammario, Joe Lanzi,
Mr Lacross, Carl Palumbo, Wanda Pettit, Doris Holub,
Lola Carucci, Sue Magill
Ralph Lucarella said...
Hi Mack: I want to add a tribute to Dave Weisberg,
a great soccer coach who brought many championships to
Trenton High and also to Carl (Kelly) Palumbo who managed
the Trenton Schroths to the World Series American Legion
championship in 1948.
UPDATE2 Ray from Villa Park adds
Hi Mac, I would like to add Mr Al Neuschaefer, my homeroom
teacher for 3 years. Also, the swimming coach. He used to
lock us in the boy's pool ( all boy's class) when he had
some kind of meeting during homeroom period, so we would
throw every movable object into the pool. He once threw a
chair at me and I dived out of the window. We were in the
basement of B?? building, near the cafeteria, so this was
possible without getting injured. Since we were in the
basement, there were pipes running along the ceiling. We
once used a window opening pole to hang his suit jacket on
one of the those pipes. We weren't around to find out what
happened when he found it up there out of reach.There were
a million pranks in that homeroom class of 1957.
Hi Mack: I want to add a tribute to Dave Weisberg, a great soccer coach who brought many championships to Trenton High and also to Carl (Kelly) Palumbo who managed the Trenton Schroths to the World Series American Legion championship in 1948.
Hi Ralph:)
I will add that to the post.
Thank You:)
Hi Mac, I would like to add Mr Al Neuschaefer, my homeroom teacher for 3 years. Also, the swimming coach. He used to lock us in the boy's pool ( all boy's class) when he had some kind of meeting during homeroom period, so we would throw every movable object into the pool. He once threw a chair at me and I dived out of the window. We were in the basement of B?? building, near the cafeteria, so this was possible without getting injured.
Since we were in the basement, there were pipes running along the ceiling. We once used a window opening pole to hang his suit jacket on one of the those pipes. We weren't around to find out what happened when he found it up there out of reach.There were a million pranks in that homeroom class of 1957.
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