A Maury Robinson Mens Shop Clothing Label
Maury Robinson was located at 512 Hamilton Avenue in
the Burg for many years. In my Trenton High days it
was still Maury Robinson:)
A Blog about the Chambersburg area of Trenton NJ. The Burg we all loved and miss. If you were from the Burg I hope many of the pictures and lists and comments under them from good folks bring back some nice memories. Villa Park, Franklin Park, South Trenton, and nearby Hamilton also mentioned. Use the search box atop the blog to find schools,churches,streets,stores,bars etc that you remember. Over 4000 posts and 3000 pics. Enjoy:)
First pair of "gabardine" pants purchased at that store.
I remember my dad taking me to Maury"s when he was located on S. Broad St and bought me a red Perry Como style sweater. I was a steady customer when he moved to Hamilton Ave. The owner then was Roger (can't remember his last name) who had purchased it from Maury. Don't laugh Tommy, but I still have a gabardine trench coat purchased there around 1980 and It still looks great. Two other fine men's shops were Havison's and Holland Bros.
Tom remember that men's shop on North Board Street, I believe it was Byer's Men's Shop, all the guys use to buy the high boy collar shirts there.
Another decent was Eton Shop on West State St. I recently discovered I have a plastic hangar with the Eton logo on it. I think it was from a decent sport jacket I bought. I do remember the size of that jacket, and, funny, I couldn't wear it today.
So many great men's clothing stores in bygone days. And then there was Robert Hall on State St. Not quite first class but good bang for the buck.
Gabardine wears better than iron, just gets a little shiny, so not surprised that your trench coat still looks great.
It is 20 degrees in Nashville this morning...I am wearing a Maury Robinson overcoat that was passed on to me by my dad. Did anyone else make trips to Kramer, Aberdeen, Mercer and Baxter? I think the factory was on North Olden Ave.
Hi Mack: I don't know how many people remember Bond's Men Store on N. Broad St. They sold men's suits with two pair of pants for 25 dollars.
It was my first charge account. I'd pay $5. a week on it, and spend $50.
I was a frequent flyer at both Kramer's Mens' Shop and Baxter on Olden Ave.
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