Monday, January 11, 2010

A Winter Wetzel Field View, Villa Park

A Winter Wetzel Field View, Villa Park
This is a new picture taken a few days ago.
This picture was taken through a fence on Chambers


Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: I miss the big grandstand in back of home plate and the blechers along first base. Wetzel Field was the hub of every league in Trenton. On weekends you had the City League and the Central Jersey League. On week nights there was the Twilight League and the Industrial League. In addition you had all the Trenton High and Playground League games. I played in all of the them except the Central Jersey League. This was in the 30s when the only thing you could afford to do was play sports. It could be one of the reasons why I'm still around. Keep up the good work Mike.

Mack said...

Hi Ralph:)
We used to climb on the roof of
the building behind home plate which is no longer there. I remember the bleachers too, they
were there in my Burg day as well.
From what I hear they were taken
down sometime in the 1990s:)