Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trenton Makes Bridge, South Trenton

Trenton Makes Bridge, South Trenton
The Trenton Makes The World Takes Bridge or as we all
call it "The Trenton Makes". When Burg folks were going
to Morrisville PA (AKA Goin to Marsville), they might
take this bridge:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

The only comment I'm going to make about this bridge is it was too narrow. so was the Yardley bridge. When I first started to drive, I was kind of leery going over to buy fireworks during the 4th of July. Both bridges were built quite some time ago, when cars were much smaller. Happy Holidays.

brando said...

the bridge used to be two lanes in each direction.

it was switched to one lane each way in the 80s or 90s.