Friday, November 27, 2009

Trenton State Prison, South Trenton

Trenton State Prison, South Trenton
A view from the other side of the wall.


Ralph Lucarella said...

HI Mack: I recall our Post Office softball team playing the prisioners inside the walls and they had a very good team. I was playing 3rd base and they were really rooting for their team to win. We stayed for dinner in the officers dinning room and we were very impressed with how smouth everything went. Regards

JoeZ said...

I remember sitting on the curb waiting for those pink handballs to come flying over. Each one was personally marked.

Anonymous said...

My family home before we moved to East Trenton was at 556 Second Street...I was little, but we always had "prison balls" around the house.

Anonymous said...

I went to St. Pete's & we also got hold of those balls flying over the wall.

Terri Beres Sparks