Thursday, September 22, 2011

Once The Granada Bar & Restaurant, Hamilton

Once The Granada Bar & Restaurant, Hamilton
The corner of Kuser Road and Whitehorse Avenue in Hamilton.
It was the Granada in the 1970s and 1980s and then became
a cool looking Roma Bank branch which it still is today:)


Anonymous said...

The Granada was owned by Russ Cottrell, whose family were in the building business. He lived upstairs in the beautifully designed Granada, which first was a liquor store, and later he made the additional space into a nightclub. His son Brett, was my room mate at Valley Forge Military Academy. He was a guy with great wit and sense of humor.
Unfortunately he died young, and he is missed by myself and remembered by both myself and other VF cadets, who I still know.
Russ also lived into his 80’s and died as well unfortunately, but I believe his wife and daughter still live in the area.

Anonymous said...

The Granada was a great nightclub and part of the “circuit” of clubs in NJ/PA that we frequented in the 80s while in college... others were; Brothers (just down the road from Granada), St. Charles Place (on Rt 33), Zadar’s (New Hope), The Fizz (Oxford Valley, PA), The Ground Round (on Rt. 1, now the abandoned Crab Shack), and a few others. What a fantastic time to be young that was!