A DeLorenzo's Tomato Pie (Hudson)
The Legend lives on and you can still get a Tomato Pie
just like this one on Hudson Street in the Burg at
DeLorenzo's Tomato Pies:)
A Blog about the Chambersburg area of Trenton NJ. The Burg we all loved and miss. If you were from the Burg I hope many of the pictures and lists and comments under them from good folks bring back some nice memories. Villa Park, Franklin Park, South Trenton, and nearby Hamilton also mentioned. Use the search box atop the blog to find schools,churches,streets,stores,bars etc that you remember. Over 4000 posts and 3000 pics. Enjoy:)
Mack: In Foodnet Magazine, Roe saw an article concerning the best pizza's in each state. For NJ it was the DeLorenzo' pie with sausage served on Hudson St. Here is the link I guess you can copy and paste it.
Hi JoeZ:)
Great stuff. I must be impartial as to who has the best Tomato pie or did have the best Tomato pie around here but agree Delorenzos Hudson is fantastic:)
We always had our pies from Hamilton Ave. and Papa's was the other place I liked.
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