Friday, June 17, 2011

Table Top Football

Table Top Football
Did you play Table Top Football in your Burg school days?
You made a triangular shaped "football" out of one sheet
of paper. Then you placed it on one end of the desk with
a little of it hanging over the side. The object was to
get it to the other side of the desk hanging a little over
the side (a touchdown). You had 3 or 4 hits to do this.
If you chose to,on the 2nd of 3 hits or the 3rd of 4 hits
you could try a field goal instead. Your opponent would
make "goal posts" with his or her hands and you would
try to flick it between them. This was also how you tried
for your extra point after a touchdown. It was a game we
played in school days long ago:)


JoeZ said...

Mack: We played that with match books. Good game and it was cheap.

Mack said...

Hi Joe:)
Matchbooks would work too:))