Friday, March 18, 2011

That Thing Above The Road, South Clinton Avenue, The Burg

That Thing Above The Road, South Clinton Avenue, The Burg
Seeing this in the car or on a bus always gave me the
feeling of "we are almost home". Paris has the Eiffel
Tower and we had That Thing Above The Road:)


Anonymous said...

A typical journey to my Aunt Honey's in Hamilton took us out South Clinton and the same questions were asked.

How Long? Ten Minutes.

Road? South Clinton and no I don't know why it bends, there must have been something there.

A big rock? I don't think so.

We always cross at Fetter cause there is no light and no, I don't know what that thing does.

(in the road)

No you don't have to blow your horn like you do when we go under a bridge.

(That is an old family joke. My dad convinced a very stubborn old bird of an aunt that it was the law, you had to blow your horn under a bridge and for years she did.)


JoeZ said...

Mack and Skipster:

Paris has theirs, South Trenton has the bridge. It may be getting rusty, but it's ours.

Mack said...

Hi Skip & Joe:)
Fetter Avenue where Burger King
and (Once upon a time) Phillip Arthur meet South Broad Street..
and Dees Appliances and Pathmark
were once right there:)

Ah The Trenton Makes is forever cool:)