Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Roebling Plant, South Broad Street, The Burg

The Roebling Plant, South Broad Street, The Burg
As an adult and a person who cares about history, when
I see pictures of Roeblings workers sports teams and picnics
and events, I realize how much Trenton lost when the place
went down. As a kid growing up in the Burg long after the
place had wound down, the only thoughts I had of it was
it looked real cool. Bridges between buildings like this
fascinated me then and now. Also of course "That thing
above the road" on South Clinton:)


JoeZ said...

Mack it was a grand building, passed by that so many times when I stayed with my grandmother. Is any of the old building still there or did they tear it all down.

Mack said...

Hi Joe:)
Oh yes plenty of the Roebling Plant buildings are still there including this one I believe.
They tear down some and I think are
finding uses for others. They built a little Mall and a Museum
and I think some are State Offices:)