Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Here is a list of Clergymen in the Burg in the 1960's:

Here is a list of Clergymen in the Burg in the 1960's:
Russel Annich 426 Hamilton, Zoltan Beky 180 Home, Ralph
Birof 540 Chestnut, Gerald Brown 626 S Olden, Emillio
Cardelia 19 Bayard,George Chegin 411 Adeline, Van Wormer
Giles 540 Chestnut, Quarino Grilli 633 William, Gabriel
Ivascu 238 Adeline, Francis Kasprowicz 201 Adeline,
Julius Kish 210 Genesee, Louis Klesken 111 Harding,
Clement Kocprzynski 60 Randall, Anthony Kramarz 201 Adeline
,Gerald Lyons 626 S Olden, Gerald Maciejewski 60 Randall,
Joseph Mackov 968 S Broad, Michael McCorristen 626 S Olden,
Camillus Murray 540 Chestnut, Roger Nelipowitz 540 Chestnut,
Joseph Procaccini 19 Bayard, Paul Shafran 812 Grand,
Lionel O Sullivan 540 Chestnut, Tibor Szilagyi 366 Morris,
John Szymanski 201 Adeline, Leonard Toomey 626 S Olden,
Michael Vincje 210 Genesee, Irma Weaver 200 Columbus,
Michael Zaparyniuk 824 Adeline .


Sax adds....
Father Tutoro, Saint Joachim's
This is of course not a complete list:)


JoeZ said...

Mack: Monsignor Lipinski - St. Hedwig's Parish.

Mack said...

Hi JoeZ:)

God Bless Monsignor Lipinski and the beautiful church of Saint Hedwigs. Hes not on the list as that is not the Burg but many Burg folks attended a wedding or funeral at the great St Hedwigs and know how wonderful it is:)

Anonymous said...

I always thought that Saint Hedwig's had the most spectacular altar in the city.

And I do not mean to start an argument about churches at all but the work they put into that always left me in awe.

Sadly I tried to go and sit in church about a year ago and they keep it locked pretty much at all times now.

Saint Hedwig's is more Polish than back in the day of Doc Z, hard to believe it but it is.


Mack said...

Hi Skip.
With a big asterisk as I havent been in churches in all parts of Trenton..The most beautiful churches are (its a 3 way tie)
St Hedwigs/Immaculate/Sacred Heart.
Thats my 2 cents. All magnificent:)

JoeZ said...

Mack and Skip: The Polish section of North Trenton has become the Polish Berg. Close and Tight neighborhood. For many years it was downhill.

Anonymous said...

:) I am the Great Granddaughter of Quarino Grilli (which is actually suppose to be Quirino) My mother, Lori, grew up at 633 Williams street.