Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Post From Vince Sbarro On Woodlawn Pool 1947, Hamilton

A Post From Vince Sbarro On Woodlawn Pool 1947 Hamilton

Vince Sbarro said...

Hey Mack, here are three pics taken at the Woodlawn Pool
dated 1947.The first picture is of me (so cute) showing
off my hair style. The second picture is my father Jim
and his dad Tony Goes holding me. The third picture is
Ernie Sbarro tending the food consession.

Thanks Vince, this is great:)

Best regards


Jack Kerwick said...

Hey Mack, I couldn't find your personal email address, so I decided to send you this link here. I too am from Trenton originally; in fact, my mother and grandmother still live on South Clinton Avenue and Franklin Street, respectively. I was raised in Franklin Park and attended Franklin School. I am a professor of philosophy today and a writer. I appreciate greatly your sense of nostalgia, and so I wanted to send you something that I recently had published at It is a political website, but I managed to tie my reflections on the ole' Burg into its theme.

I hope that you enjoy it.

Jack Kerwick, Ph.D.

my email address is:

Anonymous said...

I am shocked. Honestly Doc; Mac being the gentleman that he is will probably censor this. I am reeling after reading you blog. In short, it is late and I am tired; however, though what you say may in the end be true, much is based in innuendo and guess work, not in facts. As a curiosity and as they stand alone, they are harmless. Sadly, if they are taken in a social and political context they pose a danger. All "social facts" must be taken with and understood within the greater culture.

They appear to be akin to the soundbites we are so used to in all of media today. And, as Marshall McLuhan has warned us about in "Medium Is The Message" and oddly the original title, in a typo was "Medium Is The Massage", later revised.


Anonymous said...

You broke my heart Doc. "Never tell anybody outside the Burg what you're thinking again"
