Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tomasulo Quarter, Saint Anthony's Prom 1975

Tomasulo Quarter, Saint Anthony's Prom 1975
In my Burg day if you did not go to Trenton High there
was a good chance you went to Saint Anthonys/McCorristan
High. By the time of my high school days there was no
Cathedral or Trenton Catholic High School. Here is
the Tomasulo Quartet playing Saint Anthony's Prom in
1975. Thanks for this cool picture Tom Krawiec:)


Tom Pass said...

I worked with the group for a short time on organ in 70's. Lisa, John, and Mike were great.

Mack said...

WOW Tom.

JoeZ said...

Tom: Do you know the name of the group that played at the Celebrity Room when Billy Kaye owned it. It would have been in 1976 and 1977. Cheech Iero was the drummer. Help if you can.

Tom Pass said...

I think I recall that Billy worked there with Ann Carol, a vocalist. I will double check with a friend of mine.

JoeZ said...

Tom: I remember Billy and Ann, but there was a band there also. Thanks for helping the grey matter out.