Friday, May 7, 2010

Columbus Park in The Fall, The Burg

Columbus Park in The Fall, The Burg
This picture is from a few years ago and was taken from
the Division Street side of the park:)


Noel Vento said...
Ah yes, the Fall was beautiful in the park. One thing I
remember well was a big billboard sign on the corner of
the park at Hamilton and Chestnut. In the Fall they
posted SCHOOL'S OPEN. It would change just before Labor
Day weekend. What a sad time. The end of summer vacation.
But equally as GOOD was when they changed it to say
SCHOOL'S CLOSED. Marking the beginning of summer!


Noel Vento said...

Ah yes, the Fall was beautiful in the park. One thing I remember well was a big billboard sign on the corner of the park at Hamilton and Chestnut. In the Fall they posted SCHOOL'S OPEN. It would change just before Labor Day weekend. What a sad time. The end of summer vacation. But equally as GOOD was when they changed it to say SCHOOL'S CLOSED. Marking the beginning of summer!

Mack said...

Hi Noel:)
What a great comment.
I will add it ot the post and
yes I remember too:)