Delis & Grocery Stores around but not in the Burg in
the 1950s:)
Deweys Deli 1449 Hamilton, Fischers Deli 1602 South Clinton,
Joe Fruscione's Deli 1557 Chambers, Margerums Deli 1101 Hamilton,
McGrory's Deli 2435 Liberty, Mikes Deli 2104 South Clinton,
Miltons Deli 1266 Hamilton, Walt Skrypczuk's Deli 723 Centre,
Frank Stankiewicz Deli 65 Annabelle, Joe Tallone's Deli
475 Lamberton, Millie Volk's Deli 533 2nd, Marion Zalescik's
Deli 600 Lamberton Street.
Adams Grocery and Meat Mart 653 Centre, Charles Allen's Grocery
501 Tyler, Amodio & Calabrese Grocery 105 East Franklin,
Andrew's Market 1002 Lalor, Bank's Grocery 1444 Hamilton,
Bobs Food Center 601 Lalor, Bob's Market 370 South Olden,
Andrew Bodnar's Grocery 1602 Chestnut, Bolands Grocery 107 Lalor,
Mabel Braun's Grocery 621 Schiller, Bridge Superette 403 Bridge,
Albert Carmignani's Grocery 92 Reed, Cass Street Food Market
314 Cass, Centre Food Market 602 Centre, Columpar's Grocery
1103 Genesee,Frank Csoltko's Grocery 934 Park, Dayton Food
Market 20 Dayton, Gaskills Food Market 1880 South Broad,
Guenther's Grocery 902 Hamilton, Hamilton Food Market 1624
Hamilton JC Food Market 401 Centre, Jacks Grocery 105
Lamberton, Kopec's Grocery 901 Beatty, Lamberton Food Mart
802 Lamberton, Liberty Food Store 1435 Liberty, Liberty
Public Market 2300 Liberty, Mayfair Food Market 1077 South
Broad, Melrose Pure Food Market 1002 Hamilton, Montani
Food Market 865 Lyndale, John Pietras Grocery 635 South Olden,
Susanna Polak's Grocery 933 Adeline, Prut's Grocery 983 South
Broad, Richmond Stores 815 Lalor, Ritzy Food Store 102 Columbus,
Galiano Scaccettis Grocery 1720 Liberty, Marie Scozzaro's
Grocery 402 Cuyler, Pete Seavey's Grocery 1142 Genesee,
Carl Sincoskie's Grocery 101 Hancock, Slabici's Grocery 1801
Chestnut, Tivador's Grocery 101 Virginia, Tyler Food Store
250 Tyler, Wildman's Self Service Market 1501 Genesee,
Ye Olde Owl Roost 950 Quinton:)
5 years ago
Mack: There was a small grocery store by my grandmother's on Jersey St. called Leslie's. One great gentleman. I was always running over there for her. Gave him the book and he just wrote down the items and amount. Granny paid at the end of the week.
Ritzy had two locations and the "home office" was on Heil & Ellis. It was a hoot watching old "Mr. Ritzy" drive that 51 Chevy panel truck (dark green with yellow letters) ... old Mr. Z could hardly see over the wheel.
One I really miss was the Mezarros Meats on Broad and _____ ? Anyhoo, it was out around or just past Lalor. The breakfast sausage was a fine ground ... I've never had anything like it and never will again.
Hi Mack: I would like to mention again that we had a grocery store on Mott St. in the 20s. It seems like in the 50s, it was the same story. Almost everyone bought things and put it on the book. That is what caused my Mom and Dad to close the store. JoeZ mentions the book and most of the Burg stores had the same problem. It was tough during the depression to stay in business. Best Regards.
Also a "Ritzy" at corner of Hilton and Columbus Aves.
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