Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Burgs Own Ralph Lucarella Played Baseball in His 70s

The Burgs Own Ralph Lucarella Played Baseball in His 70s

Ralph Lucarella Jr wrote:

Hi Mack,

My Dad wanted me to send you this picture to show you he was still
playing baseball while he was in his early seventies. This pic was
taken in Coral Springs, Fla where we lived at the time. He is front
and center holding the bat with the glove in front of him in the
photo. He looked in pretty good shape for someone his age, don't
you think?


Ralph Jr.

Thank You for this both Ralphs and thanks for all of your
contributions to this blog:)


Ralph Lucarella said...

We played in a Senior League made up of players over 70 years old. Most of the men all played while they were younger and we really enjoyed competing.

Noel Vento said...

Great picture Ralph! You are something else! Best wishes, Noel

JoeZ said...

God Bless You Ralph, with many more years and abilities to do what you want.

Ralph Lucarella said...

Thanks guys: JoeZ knows what's going on in Florida. The older people get down there the more active they seem to feel. I played until I could no longer throw the ball cause of bursitis in my shoulder. Right now (knock on wood)I feel great and still keep pretty busy. Best regards.

JoeZ said...

Ralph,must be the water and the sunshine. For me it's no longer the cold.