Saturday, March 20, 2010

1005 Chambers Street, The Burg 1957

1005 Chambers Street, The Burg 1957
The corner of Ashmore Avenue and Chambers Street
This was Peter Palumbo's Service Cities Center Gas Station
in the early 1960s.
This was John N. Tomasulo's Service Cities Center Gas Station
in 1950s according to my records:)

UPDATE: I drove by this yesterday, did not have my camera.
But it looks exactly the same as it did 53 years ago but
for the paint job:)


PattiGirl said...

This was also Smokie's Garage in the 70s and 80s, I believe it was.

Ralph Lucarella said...

You're right PattiGirl. Smokie was a dear friend for years and we kept in touch for a long while.

Tom Pass said...

Smokie waa related to Sam Butera from the Louis Prima Band.

Tom Pass said...
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