Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Roebling Avenue in Winter, The Burg

Roebling Avenue in Winter, The Burg
This picture was taken today. Click it and fill your
screen with Roebling Avenue:)))


SJBill said...

Is that the Ack-ah-me Supermarket lot at the corner of Washington?

Mack said...

Hi SJ:)

Yes The Former Acme (some state
worker place now) parking lot is
in this picture:)

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack and Bill: You guys are probably too young to remember, but that is where the Hewitt School was located back in my days. Then came the Acme and then the State property.

SJBill said...

Ralph, was Hewit School still around in the late 40s or very early 50s? If yes, I have a faint memory of the old building. Don't ask me any details!

There was a great sausage maker just a couple of doors away from the market property on Emory Ave, though.

Mack said...

Vince Sbarro gave us a picture
of Hewitt School.. Go to the
search blog atop the page and
write hewitt school
the second post that comes up shows
a picture of hewitt school.

Ralph Lucarella said...

We lived on FRanklin Stt. in the 40s and I believe the schoo; was torn down during that time and replaced with the Acme, Across the street was the cemetary, then ElDorado's and then Chambers St.

Vince said...

Hi Mack, I don't know how I missed this post. I can see the house I grew up in. It was at 838, located right where the SUV is parked which was an end row home. Oh my, the old block looks the same except for the new post lighting.

Mack said...

Hi Vince:)
I see your house. I will get
a close-up of it on a future
Burg trek:)
Much of the Burg looks just like
it did..something I love:)