Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trenton Farmers Market, South Warren Street, South Trenton

Trenton Farmers Market, South Warren Street, South Trenton
Before it moved to Lawrence Township in the 1940s, the
Trenton Farmers Market was here:)


Ed MacNicoll said...

Remember this as a kid. Mike,your Aunt Rose lived two blocks away from here. There was a small area next to it that was a playground. I first met Rose and her sister Irene there long before Uncle Sonny ever met her.

Mack said...

I love it Dad:)
For the readers info, my Dad
is referring to Rose & Irene
KRUPA and Urban Jr (Sonny)
I find Rose & Irene at 358
Union Street in my records in
the 1950s.
358 Union is now "vacant land"
according to the tax office.
It was as 12.5x100 Lot AKA
A Townhouse.

brando said...

that is a great pic! i never knew a market was on warren st