Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The CYO, South Broad Street, The Burg

The CYO, South Broad Street, The Burg
One of the great parts of the Burg Streetscape was
the classic CYO Sign. It was never a theatre in my
Burg day but the magnificent sign remained to show
what it had once been:)


Anonymous said...

There was no place like it. We St. Anthony's kids loved to hate Mincey Manczak. Great basketball...great cheerleading tournaments...then dow the street to Gino's before heading home.

STEVEb said...

Way back when, this was the RKO Broad theater... spent many a Saturday afternoon there, cost 25 cents to get in, pop corn and candys were a dime, as were the sodas.. you could go with a dollar and come home with change. On Saturday afternoons it was a kid's thing, cartoons, a "serial" that continued week to week, then a double feature movie. There was also a time they would have old time vaudeville shows, dancing dogs, magicians, acrobats and such an talent shows with local kida and adults performing sort of an old version of American Idol, if they had a real good popular movie, I remember standing on line when the line was down Broad St and around the block on Beatty St. I wonder if there are any old timers like myself who remember CHEAP JOHN'S MENS STORE, it was located just to the left of the theater in the back of the parking lot, between the movie house and Chris's Luncheonette.. fun memories

JoeZ said...

Steve: I remember Cheap John's I thought it was uptown. When I was in grammar school all the CYO basketball games were played at Junior 2 on Olden Ave. Sunday afternoon. I was on the JV team and we played Saturdays at Washington School. Good memories.

STEVEb said...

I think CHEP JOHN moved uptown when the CYO took over, CYO wanted the parking lot

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: In the 30s, the Broad Theatre was the largest theatre in the city. For years we could only afford the balcony, which was 15 cents. Latter, the first floor, which were called orchestra seats, were affordable at 25 cents. What I want to mention is how they proudly advertised the air-conditioning in the summer. It amounted to very large fans mounted along the walls. They announced it was the first theatre in the city with air-condition. I could remember how loud the fans sounded during the show. As kids, I recall how easy it was to sneak in after each show through the doors on Broad St. Best regards.

SJBill said...

We used to sneak in from the Freudenmacher Alley side. The RKO Broad had green painted screen doors to let fresh air in with dark curtains to shield the light. The fans WERE loud, Ralph.

How many times did your cup get stuck in the soda machine and see the soda go down the drain?

I saw the rerun of "Dots", "Good and Plenty" and "Jujubes". A dollar got you enough candy to get you sick to your stomach.

brando said...

in 8th grade (1976), i took a photography course at the cyo and learned how to take "photographs", not "snapshots" and how to develop b&w film in the lab.