80,000 Hits, Thank You All
Thank You all for sharing your memories and reflections
about the people and places that made our little corner
of the world so special. Please keep them coming and if
you have any pictures that fit on this blog please email
them to me at Kirriemuir1962@gmail.com
God Bless The Burg:)
Great job... I hope you didn't notice the "hits" continued while you had computer trouble back in Sept. I know I checked in at least twice per day, in disbelief that there were no new posts...
Congrats Mack, keep up the good work.
You and Tom are the greatest, Mike. Some of the best years of my life in Chambersburg and the Trenton area have lifted my spirits during a time when I kind of could use the help.We both had the pleasure of lliving in the Burg and latter in Mercerville, in practicly the same neighborhoods. Keep up the good work and on behalff the older gang, thanks a million. Best Regards.
Congratulations on your 80,000 hits. I am sure that number will grow in the future. It's a great site especially when you live outside the burg. It brings back many memories. Thanks again for a GREAT site.
Great Site, your doing an excellent job.
Congratulations Mack.
Thank You All for helping to make
this fun to do:)
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