501 Emory Avenue, The Burg.
Once upon a time this was Angelo Maglione Clothes
UPDATE: Bill M adds:
Angelo Maglione once fought under the name "Chambersburg Tony"
Maglione,back in the 30's or 40's.his brother Anthony "Papoose"
Maglione lent Angelo his birth certificate to fight,so thats
why he fought under the name "tony'.they were a big family.
Brother Jerry tended bar at La Gondola,other brothers "Spader"
and Ralph and a sister Julia who married Sam Risoldi ,they
owned the restored house on the corner of Anderson and Roebling.
"Chambersburg Tony"had same big fights,Paulie Walker and Mickey
Cochrane to name two."Papoose" told me that "Tony"was managed
by "Bushy Brooks"and they had a falling out, and that is why
it took so long for him to get in Trentons Boxing Hall of Fame.
Thank you Bill M:)
I certainly remember Tony Maglione, Bushy Brooks, Paulie Walker, Young Terry and all the other good fighters of the 30 and 40s. My good friend, Larry Mangine of Fulton St. was also rated among them. In those days we had the Golden Gloves, which included many Chambersburg guys trying to make it big in the ring. I even recall Kid Specs (Mercantini} who gave it a try. Merry Xmas everyone.
Hi Ralph:)
Here are some folks that fought
Ike Williams in Trenton according
to the NJ Boxing Hall of Fame site:
Ike Williams Vs "
Sept 9 1940
Pete Kelly Ike-wins KO 2
Nov 11 1940
Tony Maglione Tony wins 8
Jan 6 1941
Tommy Fontana Ike wins 8
April 14 1941
Hugh Civatte Ike wins KO 3
July 29 1942
Angelo Maglione Ike wins KO 3
Dec 7 1942
Bob Gunther Ike wins 8
March 13 1944
Leo Francis Ike wins 8
Jan 8 1946
Charley Smith Ike wins 10
Oct 24 1949
Al Mobley Ike wins 10
April 20 1953
Billy Andy Ike wins 10
June 8 1953
George Johnson Ike wins KO 8
Hi Mack: I certainly have'nt ignored Ike Williams. Even though he lived in Trenton, he was controlled by the Philly group, mostly Palumbo and his gang. In those days there were a lot of shanagans going on in the prize fighting business. Ike ended up working for the city on different projects and I understand did'nt have much of what he earned while he was champion. By the way, some people might recall Young Terry by his real name, Sammy Perro. His manager and trainer were from the Burg and he went a long way in the ring. Merry Xmas to you and your family Mack.
Guys: I remember Jerry, he was a great bartender at LaGondola use to make me one hell of a Manhattan on the Rocks. Always friendly and one funny guy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all and your families.
Sorry to say Mack but Angelo's Cleaners was on the other side of the street on the 400 block of emory ave. The building you are showing belonged to my Sister-in law and Brother-in-law.
Also Spader Maglione was my Uncle
Bob Zoda
Hi Bob:)
Heres what I found.
In the 1950s 501 Emory was
Maglione Clothes Cleaners
and Mrs Ann Tallone lived
at 457 Emory Avenue.
In the 1960s and on Maglione Cleaners is at 457 Emory Avenue.
I was not there so I can only
go by what the book says for
years before I was born.
So either the book is wrong
which is quite possible or
Maglione Cleaners was at 501
Emory first before it moved
to 457 Emory:)
Larry Mangine was my grandfather. My name is Mike. I heard he was a pretty good boxer. If you have anymore information on his boxing days or a picture would be great.
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