201 Division Street, The Burg
Once upon a time this was The Post Pharmacy.
Owner George Posta. This is a new picture taken
a few days ago:)
A Blog about the Chambersburg area of Trenton NJ. The Burg we all loved and miss. If you were from the Burg I hope many of the pictures and lists and comments under them from good folks bring back some nice memories. Villa Park, Franklin Park, South Trenton, and nearby Hamilton also mentioned. Use the search box atop the blog to find schools,churches,streets,stores,bars etc that you remember. Over 4000 posts and 3000 pics. Enjoy:)
Hi Mack: My cousin Rose Zotto lives in that 4th house from the store on Division St. I've noted in all your street scenes of the Burg and Villa Park, the many stores that have been converted to living quarters, including our old store at 123 Mott St. The old mom and pop stores could not compete with the super markets of modern times. I remember the Burg having stores on almost every corner and block. I suppose it was because most people walked in those days.Merry Xmas to all.
Hi Ralph:)
The Mom & Pop stores lasted quite
a while as many were around in my
Burg day and a bit beyond that.
Some still survive.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Ralph:)
the drugstore was open until the late 70s or early 80s.
way back when, the burg was a self-contained and pretty much self-sustaining entity.
the burg had everything that the residents needed...jobs, churches, stores, professional services (doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc). there was no need to go elsewhere.
it seems kind of strange that there are a lot of cemeteries on cedar lane. but, a long time ago, cedar lane was the sticks on outskirts of the burg. so, that was the final resting place for burg italians and south trenton slavs.
of course, this was before my time when most people did not have a car, but it carried over through the 70s-early 80s.
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