Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Summer Day on South Broad Street, The Burg

A Summer Day on South Broad Street, The Burg
A place with Drugstores, Shoe Stores, Furriers,
Grocery Stores, Bakeries,Lawyers,Doctors, Furniture
Stores, Electronics Stores, A Record Store, Real Estate
Offices, Restaurants, Bars, Drug Stores...
You never had to go to a mall or downtown, you could
walk to everything:)


STEVEb said...

....and don't forget the police station, 2nd precinct and a church for any denomination or ethnicity, it was all there...

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack; I see one of the stores you show on So. Broad St. features Lekvar. I used to go wacky looking for that stuff for my wife who baked cookies for the holidays. Lekar is like grape jelly and the Hungarian folk use it a lot. I finally found it in the kosher dept of grocery stores. I must say my dear wife was a great cook, may she rest in peace. Regards, Ralph

SJBill said...

There were two flavors of lekvar: the dark was a prune butter; the orange color was of apricots. These are two of the filling essentials for Christmas cookies. Then there was walnuts, chopped to very fine, spiced with cinnamon, mace and nutmeg. Where did you buy mace and nutmeg? Broad Street Imports. The business has been in the Hovan family since the fifties. Now Helen is in charge - she went to Harrison through Jr-4 and THS.

Next door was Deutz Jewlers. Is that still in business?