Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Statue of Saint Francis at Saint Francis Hospital

The Statue of Saint Francis at Saint Francis Hospital
You could see this as you came in the Hamilton Avenue
Doors. How many Burg area folks were born here? How
many visited loved ones here? How many had family who
worked here? How many were made better by the good folks
here? How many ate in the little cafateria on the first
floor near the Hamilton Avenue doors near the Gift Shop?
Ralph's Brother was a very important Doctor here. My
Sister Shari and Mom worked here at one time.
When you had to go here for any reason, you told folks
you were going to Saint Francis as in " I gotta go see
Millie over at Saint Francis" and since there was no
School or Church in the Burg area called Saint Francis,
everybody knew what you meant:)

1 comment:

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: Thank you for your nice article about St. Francis Hospital. My brother was very active there as a heart specialist and had his office across the street on Chambers.I recall the many times we brought him food from Chick and Nellos while he was interning. At one time he worked along with "Scrappy"(Dr. Angelo Migliore) on Hamilton Ave.